Motivation | Some Thoughts #2

These two questions relate to the two different types of motivation; internal motivation and external motivation.

“Intellect alone moves nothing” ~ Aristotle

The first type of motivation is external. I call this the intellectual stage of motivation. When you ask someone at this stage why they are motivated they give you vague answers or broad platitudes. Students taking my courses who are at this stage of motivation often say they are motivated to find a career because it is “important” or “because you can’t be successful without first knowing what to do” sometimes I hear “my mother (father, girlfriend or boyfriend) said this class would help me.”

These statements are true, of course. It is important to find a career and mom was probably right that this class might help you figure things out. Unfortunately, these are just not what I consider the bedrock of passionate motivation. I mean, really, how many people have undertaken extraordinary tasks that require great motivation and said the reason they devote extensive amounts of time and tremendous effort is because “their girlfriend told them to do it?”

Get real!

True motivation that will get you to extend yourself and put out extra effort is internal. Nobody has to tell a world-class athlete to get out of bed and practice or train. If they need someone to tell them, you can be assured they will not be champions for long!

“The transition from thinking to doing requires the appropriate amount of feeling” ~ C.S. Lewis

  • Now I want you to go back to the discussions section and look at the classes “Why” postings. I want you to respond to what you have already read. You need to read the postings and reply to whether the reason is external (intellectual) or internal (passion, feeling). You will receive 1 point for each posting for a maximum of 5 points.
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