Lesson | Values Are Key

I have already stated that the most important factor in finding your career is your motivation.

That, in fact, is true! Having said that, however, I also think that the one thing related to you as a unique individual that will increase your likelihood for career satisfaction, however, is your values.

The things you personally value will determine whether you will have joy in your career!
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"Pride and competition Can not fill these empty arms,
and the work I've put between us,
you know it doesn't keep me warm."
~ Don Henley

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The reason I say this is because I feel values are the key. They are the key to peace and piece of mind. If you are living a life consistent with your values, you will have less dissatisfaction in your life (you will have a sense of peace). In addition, you will have piece of mind because you will know that what you are doing in your career is exactly what you are called to do. Your piece of mind will come from knowing that you are following YOUR chosen path.

Think about it for a moment as I compare values to personality, skills, and interests. You can have a career that utilizes your strengths (skills), does that ensure you will be happy? You even can have a career that closely matches your personality, but will you be happy if your top priorities in life go unfulfilled. Even interests, which are critical, will not provide the type of career satisfaction you can achieve if the career takes away from other areas of your life that you have placed a high value on.

“Each of your fundamental values must be expressed powerfully and repeatedly in your work or personal life – or else you'll find yourself motivationally malnourished."

Douglas B. Richardson
Map Your Motivations
To Clarify Career Goals

That leaves us with values. I will even make the argument that you can have a career that is not a perfect match for your personality, skills, or interests and still have a very high level of personal satisfaction if you are able to find a career that compliments you top values.
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