Lesson Number | Personality

The more you understand about yourself and your natural tendencies and preferences, the easier it will be for you to identify a career path that enables you to maximize what comes naturally. If you do what comes most naturally, you are much more likely to enjoy your work and be fulfilled by it.

You will be exploring your tendencies toward
(1) extroversion or introversion (where do you get your energy).
(2) sensing or intuition (ways in which you take in information),
(3) thinking or feeling (your way of making decisions) and
(4) judging or perceiving (your day to day lifestyle pattern).

One way to identify your personality traits is to take a personality test. Be careful not to rely exclusively on the results of a personality test. There are not a finite number of personality types that we all fit in. The test can help you understand yourself better, but they are still just tests and you are your own judge of who you really are.
Use these kinds of tests to give you ideas about careers and some idea of where you are coming from.

  • Go to the Discussion section, personality topic and answer the MBTI Careers question.  
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