lesson number | Career Research

This is perhaps the most important step in making your career decision. Before you can make a well-educated decision, you need to do your homework. This is like reading the recipe or a menu before you start a meal. If the dish includes an ingredient that you really dislike, are you going to want to eat it?
Do you know what the careers you are interested in are really like? Do you know what the job is like on a day-to-day basis? What is the average salary? What level and type of education is required? Do you need special skills or certification? What kind of experience do you need? Will you really, honestly, like this kind of job? Does it fit with your self-assessments that you have already performed?
To answer these questions you will need to do some investigating. It will require a little time and effort, but the benefits will outweigh the costs.
Be ready to make a sound career decision. Take the time to be thorough with this section of the portfolio. Learn the most important aspects of the career(s) you are interested in so that when it comes time for you to go out and get a job, you know that you are choosing a job that will satisfy you. Do some research and get some hands-on experience so that you are ready for the next section in the portfolio where you will learn about making a decision.

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